The SWEDISH PROTEMICS SOCIETY (SPS) was founded in December 2001; a remarkable year that marked a historical turning point in genomic research.

The approximate 20,000 genes from a given mammalian cell forms the basis of the corresponding proteome. A single gene can produce several functional proteins that are the result of a number of differential mRNA splicing events and post-translational modifications. Such biological diversity ensures that proteomics is centrally positioned in research and general public interest, and will continue to be so in the future.

The exact number of proteins in the human proteome has been estimated at 300,000 to a few million. Undoubtedly, our scientific efforts within the proteomic research society will continue to provide additional information and contribute to answering this fundamental question.

The birth of the Swedish Proteomics Society is a natural consequence of the strong interest in protein expression profiling linked to outstanding research in the areas of biomedicine, biotechnology, and biology. Here, genomics, protein chemistry and molecular biology have been successfully combined to further proteomic and medical research within the country.

The aims of the society are to endorse activities within the proteomic field in Sweden, to interface with international proteomic programs and to develop and further promote state-of-the-art proteomic technology.


National webinar series in Proteomics in Life Sciences

We continue with our popular zoom-based webinar series in Proteomics in Life Sciences. The webinars are intended for Swedish researchers (students, postdocs, senior researchers) as well as industry representatives active within Sweden.

We are happy to welcome you to Gothenburg and the 21st SPS Symposium!

We are pleased to invite you to participate in our upcoming meeting in Gothenburg, November 21st-22nd, with this year’s theme From Single Cells to Populations highlighting the current developments in the field.
For more info and registration, please see https://mkon.nu/sps_2024 

The SPS Symposium will bring together students, young fellows, senior researchers, industry partners, world-leading scientists to bridge the broad field of proteomics. With the ambition to highlight cutting-edge achievements in proteomics including proteomics in health and disease, clinical proteomics and precision medicine, biomarker discovery and computational proteomics and bioinformatics with the scientific presentations covering areas from technology developments to latest findings. Our two-day program will offer an attractive combination of keynote lectures and seminars mixed with networking opportunities within poster sessions, exhibitions and social events.
A poster session will provide the opportunity to present the latest results from your lab. We encourage especially young scientists to participate in the meeting and there will be a prestigious award for the best poster.

National webinar series in Proteomics in Life Sciences

We continue with our popular zoom-based webinar series in Proteomics in Life Sciences. The webinars are intended for Swedish researchers (students, postdocs, senior researchers) as well as industry representatives active within Sweden. We have an exciting program with several early-stage researchers selected based on abstracts submitted to the Nordic Proteomics Society Meeting held in Lund in November 2023, as well as international leading keynote speakers.


7th Nordic Proteomics Society Meeting and 20th Swedish Proteomics Society Jubilee Symposium 2023


The Swedish Proteomics Society SPS invites all scientist, healthcare sector employees, and pharmaceutical and biotechnological companies within proteomics to the Nordic Proteomics Meeting NPS 2023, which also will be the 20th SPS Jubilee Symposium. The meeting will be held at Scandic Star on the 15-17 November 2023 in Lund, Sweden.


The 11th National SPS Symposium was held 2-3 December, 2012 in Malmö, Sweden. SPS meeting has the theme and topic area - "Clinical Proteomics – Protein Expression research within Disease".

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Mass Spectrometry Imaging Course 29 October - 1 November, 2012.

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European Proteomics Association European Proteomics Association


EuPA is the federation that encompasses the European national proteomic societies. It was established to coordinate and integrate national initiatives within the field of proteomics. Through education and training, the main objective is to strengthen and promote fundamental proteomic research and applications in Europe.
Human Proteome Organization Human Proteome Organization


The Human Proteome Organization (HUPO) is an international scientific consortium comprised of proteomic research organizations, academic institutions and industrial partners. HUPO's mission is to define  and promote proteomics through international cooperation and collaborations to better understand human disease. This is achieved by fostering the development of new technologies, techniques and training.